Those have been the orders from the doctor lately. FSH at one-click above 25 and come back in two days for more blood work and another ultrasound.
I cannot deny that I'm feeling it this time. I'm worn out. I'm tired of all these doctor appointments. I'm tired of trying to figure out what my insurance is covering and following up on the claims that are listed as "Processed" with no payments made.
Physically I'm feeling pretty run down. Thankfully over the past few days of injections I have managed to not add to my bruise collection, so my abdomen is starting to feel better, but I'm ready to get on with this. Let's get that egg retrieval scheduled so I can sit up straight without discomfort.
On a positive note, and if I remember correctly, there are 18 follicles between 10 mm and 18 mm growing. Hopefully most will be close to 20 mm tomorrow. If it's anything like last time, once they get close, the RE will up the FSH to help get as many as possible to cross that 20 mm threshold and we'll be able to schedule the retrieval for Tuesday or Wednesday. Then, assuming everything looks good and the genetic testing doesn't show problems, embryo transfer will be six days later.
Here's to hoping!
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