According to Dr. Ghadir, when they checked on the embryo development Thursday morning, they had a bunch of "grade A eight celled" embryos going. He said there was also one at seven cells. The two eggs which were fertilized with the delayed ICSI procedure aren't doing that well.
I wish I could remember exactly how many grade A eight celled embryos we had developing. I just don't remember. I'm generally a smart woman who picks up on what people are saying in conversation pretty easily, but I'm starting to suspect that I need to have a basic knowledge of what is being discussed in order to have that quick understanding.
What's that? Why no. I don't have an innate understanding of reproductive endocrinology or embryo fertilization and development. I've been learning a lot, but, let's face it. It really is foreign to me. Grade A embryos. Excellent! Although I don't think they can be called free-range or cage-free. (Ugh...sorry. A terrible joke that a coworker made, so I had to pass it on.)
Tomorrow is our embryo transfer day. I'm expecting a call from a nurse at the center to give me the details of when to be there and what I need to do, if anything, to prepare. Thereafter it's 48 hours of bed rest. I already know that I'll be going a bit crazy just laying around for two days, but so be it.
In the end, all of this will be worth it.
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